Few minutes from now I will be minus one subtracted from my lifespan and plus one added to my age on the surface of this earth. I boarded my flight twenty one years ago and I’m that pilot who’s going to land this plane anytime soon. Today I feel like I’m the most blessed human on earth because my engines haven’t failed within the few couple of years that has just passed.
Being the happiest dude right now; with a grateful heart I show my highest level of appreciation to the Almighty God for taking me this far.
Yeah! The blissful part of getting older is that it’s a huge blessing to stay alive in this world for a very long period of time. Another thing is that no normal human being that breaths in oxygen on the face of this planet likes or wants death; I doubt the desires of the animals on this one too.
As time runs and the days never sleep, you are going to experience the sweet and bitter taste of life. Everyone wants to be wealthy and successful, you can’t just wait to see a young enfant who shares the same flesh and blood with you and every other thing life has to offer.
Few days before my birthday, friends and family sent their wishes in advance. Everywhere felt good and cool but I noticed that there was only one thing that never cared if I ever existed – “Time”.
Time never cares about the happiest moment of your life or how many trophies you’ve added to your shelf. It just gets jealous day by day, running faster and harder without a destination.
Then I settled down and thought a little bit- The happiness of everyone around you just last for a while but the only happiness that could last forever is the one you’ve built by yourself. My question here is that “what are we doing or achieving with your time?
It’s true that getting older and adding more ages to your age is a kind of blessing but have you ever thought about the weary and phobia of getting older?
Growing up as a kid I ever thought life was only worth living but as I grew up and started seeing through the walls, I discovered that life worth most living in collaboration with achievements. In your early twenties you start placing concern about your future, how successful one would become, make the best of family planning, drive the nicest and most expensive cars and live the best out of life
It is most truthful to know that getting older deprives you of the right and strength of doing what you love doing the most. Imagine a sixty year old man who loves sport but does a little due to his capacity of strength he possesses? All he does in order to level up his taste it to remember when he used to run around with so much energy and vibes during his youthful age.
Rahael Nadal- A veteran tennis player made his own emphasis on the weariness and phobia of getting old the veteran player has admitted that he’s hated aging since he was a little boy and wishes he had more time to play on the ATP Tour. The world No. 1 has enjoyed a fabulous career – winning 15 Grand Slams – but at 31, he wishes he was 19 again.
When asked what he enjoyed about being 19, like his upcoming opponent, Nadal reminisced about being his more youthful days and painted a picture of a young Spaniard being cross about turning nine.
-Raphael Nadal |
He said: ‘That’s the best part, because normally you have – I’m 31 – a lot more years to enjoy the tour, a lot more years to enjoy the life. Of course, better be 19 than 31. My opinion. ‘I always wanted to be young. Even when I was 8 years old, I was not very happy to when I was, my birthday, to be nine. ‘Still the same, I am 31, and I am not happy when my birthday going to be 32. I am happy being young, no? I don’t want to get older. ‘For the moment, I didn’t find the way to stop that watch’.
In conclusion of this article, getting older is one of my greatest phobias in life alongside being the best of blessings I could ever get from God. I wish to live my life as an opponent to time and never forget every last moment spent being human. My life just began as my heights just started getting elevated. Perceived the breath on a new year in me feels good like always keeping my whites clean.
I wish myself “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” and many more joyous celebrations of life in all ramifications…..
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