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Showing posts from April, 2019


The appreciation of art in our world has been so underrated over the years. Imagine a world without art.  It would be anything less than a world without communication and justice. Art documents our history, challenges our present and informs our future.  Today if you ask most humans on the surface of this planet on their thought about art and what they feel towards it, all they are going to say is that art is nature, art is beautiful and art is lovely but not everyone knows that art is humanity and art is life. Art can be perceived to be human’s effort to imitate, supplement, alter or counteract the work of nature. Art is the conscious production or arrangement of sounds, colours, forms, movements or other elements in a manner that affects the sense of beauty.  Growing up as a kid I ever thought art was only all about deeping a brush into a palette and painting on a board or maybe drawing objects using pencils. Not until I grew up being matured and started studying things


About 90 miles away from the São Paulo coast of Brazil is the Ilha da Queimada Grande , popularly being nicknamed the Snake Island. History tells us that about 10,000 years ago, the level of the sea rose up above normal level which led to the separation of the land from the coast of Brazil turning it into an island -This explains why the island could be found in the middle of nowhere. Just as the name implies  “The Snake Island” , is a very dangerous place to step ones foot on. You need the grace and guidance of any spiritual being you serve to step a foot on that island and take another. It is believed that the island is being inhabited by about an estimate of 4-7 thousand snakes among which the most populated is the golden lancehead which is a close related cousin to the lancehead specie which could be found in the city of Brazil. How deadly could the lancehead snake be? The lancehead snake is known to be responsible for 90 percent of snake bites being occurred in Brazil.


Few minutes from now I will be minus one subtracted from my lifespan and plus one added to my age on the surface of this earth. I boarded my flight twenty one years ago and I’m that pilot who’s going to land this plane anytime soon. Today I feel like I’m the most blessed human on earth because my engines haven’t failed within the few couple of years that has just passed. Being the happiest dude right now; with a grateful heart I show my highest level of appreciation to the Almighty God for taking me this far. Yeah! The blissful part of getting older is that it’s a huge blessing to stay alive in this world for a very long period of time. Another thing is that no normal human being that breaths in oxygen on the face of this planet likes or wants death; I doubt the desires of the animals on this one too. As time runs and the days never sleep, you are going to experience the sweet and bitter taste of life. Everyone wants to be wealthy and successful, you can’t just wait to see a


Are you in search of a place to experience a magnificent vocation? Are you also in search of place to spend an unforgettable moment or are you just a tourist and you are looking for a place to explore? Well, I know a perfect place for your desired taste. Have you heard of Barcelona? Barcelona is a major prominent city in Spain. It is the largest city of the autonomous community of Catalonia. It is known to be the second most populous municipality of Spain. The city of Barcelona possess a population of about 1.6 million inhabitants  within city limits making it the sixth most populated urban area in the European Union after Paris, London, Madrid, the Ruhr area and Milan. When it comes to fashion, tourism, cuisine, vacation, technology and entertainment Barcelona gives you nothing less than a 100. FASHION Speaking on fashion, it is known that the traditional importance of textiles is reflected in Barcelona’s drive to become a major fashion center. There h


Travelling for some people could be their favourite hobby while for some it seems to become their greatest phobia and worst of nightmares. People who find travelling very pleasurable and interesting will always argue that travelling to them it’s no big deal as it always becomes fascinating to them.                                                                                                       On another thought, people who find it unpleasant to embark on a journey find themselves in such shoes because they haven’t discovered the pleasure and joy in travelling. Many of them do complain about the stress they face when travelling while some greatest fear is falling sick as this becomes a norm to them when travelling. How dare you complain that travelling to you seems very boring and blood draining? No. don’t say that. The truth is that when embarking on a journey there are certain tips one has to observe in order to experience a less stressful and pleasant trip.  When travell