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A very funny message by a Nigerian fan to Lionel Messi ahead of the champions league match against Liverpool

Today being the most anticipating match of the UEFA champions league, viewers and fans all over the world are looking forward to who’s going to be their favourite  into the finals at Madrid

The laliga giants –Barcelona who have just recently added a title on the shoulders of their shelves and still counting are on the top of their best form as well as the reds of England – Liverpool with the highest number of UEFA Champions league title in England.

 Both sides haven’t lost their last five games and are still hitting it hard to keep up such vibe elevated. Due to this reason, the only thing that can decide the fate of today’s result is a fan’s loyalty, trust and hope to his team because no one could place a hundred percent assurance on who’s going to win today’s match.

The reds having the best attack in the English premier league will have no choice than to give the best of that in today’s match.

For today’s game, all eyes are going to be on the five times Ballon d’or winner – Lionel Messi as fans all over the world have posted so many comments on different social media platforms about today’s match

On the other hand, we have Virgil van Dijk who’s currently at the peak of his career. The 27 year-old Netherland star is known to haven’t conceded any dribble from any player this season. Fans all over the world are holding on tight to believe the existence of such record after today’s game- having all known that the Lion never respects the size of your ego.

Nevertheless we have Mohammed Salah whose speed isn’t of this world. He has the ability placing any defense on the top of their lungs. All eyes are on him for today’s match to see how he is going to drive himself into the box of the Great Catalonians.

Below is a very funny message on Instagram by a Nigerian fan to the Argentine’s star - Lionel Messi on his desires towards today's match:



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